This post details how I’ve been using OpenSSL to generate CSR’s with Subject Alternative Name Extensions. You may have noticed that since Chrome 58, certificates that do not have Subject Alternative name extensions will show as invalid. Amazing, I must have missed the memo on that. Most of the certificates I use in my home
This week I migrated the web site over to https. I opted for an extended validation certificate which means we get the shiny green box with “Net Assured Limited” in the browsers URL bar. The process to obtain an EV certificate is lengthy and in some cases can take weeks to be validated and certificate
SSL Interception Interesting article regarding SSL interception deployments and associated risks. It would certainly be advisable to check your own deployments. SSL Troubleshooting While we are on the subject of SS, here’s a useful article regarding troubleshooting SSL connections using openssl. The article covers the following: 1. Check the Connection 2. Decoding a Base64 Certificate